About us


About us

Teen Challenge Netherlands
Teen Challenge established its first European center in 1969, starting in the Netherlands. Since then, Teen Challenge Netherlands has experienced a long history of expansion and success. It has not, however, been without its setbacks. In 2009, it faced the possibility of closing due to increased government regulations. At this critical moment we, Stephan and Marianne, accepted the call to become the organization’s National Directors. We concentrate on innovative outreach and discipleship ministries (residential as well as non-residential), partnering with local churches. Currently we have a nationally recognized effective youth program called The Gate, street outreach and an innovative multi-faceted ministry center called Life Center. At the beginning of 2019 we opened a large Thrift Store to support the ministry of Teen Challenge.

About Stephan and Marianne
Stephan is the son of Dutch missionaries who served in Germany. He went to Northpoint Bible College (formerly Zion Bible College, RI) and earned his Bachelor’s degree in Theology. Stephan is an evangelist and serves as the National Director of Teen Challenge in the Netherlands. Stephan and Marianne were married in June 2007. Marianne has a Master’s degree in Dutch Language and Culture, serving as a communications specialist for Teen Challenge Netherlands and working as a translator.

The Netherlands: Problem & Facts
The Urgency & Our Stragety
Our Programs